Olympus General printed manual

Description: Olympus IS/L PanoramaAdaptor for IS-models
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
Year: 1992
No. Pages: 3
Description: Olympus Filter Adapter for the AZ 200
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
Year: 1989
No. Pages: 1
Description: Olympus MAP C 10 PC-Card Adapter for xD-Picture Card or SmartMedia card
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
No. Pages: 8
The Olympus General is also known as:
  • Filters
  • IS/L Panorama Adaptor
  • MAP C 10 PC-Card Adapter
  • Panorama Adaptors
  • PT 015 Underwater Housing
  • PT 016 Underwater Housing
  • RC 200 Remote Control
  • RM 1 Remote Control