Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 printed manual

Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 manual. Camera Instructions.

Description: Zeiss Ikon Contina 2 : Contina 3 (Models 527/24 : 529/24) (= Lens: Pantar, Shutter Prontor SLK) (with BrighLine Vewfinder)
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
Year: 1958
No. Pages: 38

Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 manual. Camera Instructions.

Description: Zeiss Ikon Pantar LensAttachments (= WideAngle 30 mm + Tele 75 mm) (Contaflex/Contina with 45/2.8 Pantar)
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
Year: 1958
No. Pages: 20

Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 manual. Camera Instructions.

Description: Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 (Model 529/24) (= Lens: Pantar, Shutter: Prontor SVS) (not BrightLine Viewfinder)
Price: $13.95
Stock type: Printed Instruction Manual
Year: 1956
No. Pages: 18
The Zeiss Ikon Contina 3 is also known as:
  • Contina 3 - 529/24
  • Contina III